About SpondyStrong

Welcome! We’re glad you found us, and we’re excited to tell you about SpondyStrong! We’re a US-based, online exercise program for people of all ages with Spondyloarthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis/AS, and the whole spectrum of related conditions including Psoriatic Arthritis, etc. Our goal is to provide exercise classes tailored for people with AS, in a fun, casual setting where they can chat with fellow spondies. Exercise is considered one of the most important ways to manage AS, and we want to make AS-informed exercise more accessible and available!

Want to stay updated on our class offerings? Send us an email and we’ll add you to our email list!

About the Instructors

Alexander Levine

Alex lives outside Boston, MA, and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer, Senior Fitness Specialist and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. He also holds his Master’s Degree in Sports Leadership from Northeastern University.

Alex, who also has Ankylosing Spondylitis, has developed expertise in working with clients with Spondyloarthritis. His focus is to help individuals reach their health and fitness goals while achieving better movement, posture, and less aches and pains. Alex believes that each client presents their own unique history and goals and he strives to develop personalized programming for each client that is closely monitored over time. He incorporates various disciplines into his training and continues to follow the research on best practices in the field. It’s important to Alex that his clients feel comfortable and develop a positive relationship with exercise and also enjoy the process.

Sandra Voss

Sandra lives in New York City and is a certified yoga teacher and clinical social worker. She completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Harlem Yoga Studio and Level 1 of Yoga for Arthritis training with Integral Yoga, and teaches yoga both on Zoom and in person, to people with and without spondyloarthritis. She has also been a support group leader for the Spondylitis Association of America since 2017.

Sandra was diagnosed with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in 2015, and has found stretching, yoga, and exercise to be some of the most helpful strategies for reducing her pain and maintaining flexibility and mobility. She loves sharing the magic of yoga with others, and believes that yoga is for everyone, regardless of your flexibility or amount of experience. Her classes emphasize using yoga to reduce pain, connect with our inner experience, improve mindfulness, and reduce stress; rather than practicing in order to achieve a “perfect” or “fancy” pose.